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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Egyptian pyramids were used by pharaons to spend holidays
Once shrouded in mystery, the pyramids of Egypt began to be increasingly revealed. And a step was made several days ago when a team of archaeologists announced that the pyramids is the earliest attempt of man to spend holidays. "It appears that around 400 BC, the Pharaohs of Egypt gave up their usual places of residence to relax on the banks of the Nile near the pyramids," said Dr. Ismail Bilal University of Alexandria, in a press conference in front of foreign journalists. He said that the thick walls of the pyramids and their orientation were used to scare away any rain, so as not to disturb the holiday pharaohs of any rain cloud.
"And more, it seems hieroglyphic representations about the spirits in their journey after life were their way of telling ghost stories," added the Egyptian archaeologist. Despite its remarkable discoveries, Bilal and his team can not explain why the Egyptians drew their internal organs before being buried in pyramids.
Doomsday is coming because of ... British Petroleum!
Several weeks have passed since a probe belonging to British Petroleum's (BP - a giant corporation in the oil) in the Gulf of Mexico has failed and caused the greatest environmental disaster in U.S. history. And it seems that this disaster does not stop. Is it beginning of the end of the world? Let me explain why, using Article to a prestigious site in the world,
Oil pit in which oil is extracted from the deep ocean can not be isolated so that huge quantities of oil continues to flow every day from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. Human technology we have today does not allow to fix this leak, there is immense pressure on the ocean floor. There is no such technology. Currently trying to dig other oil wells around the pit that was initially out of control, but one thing is useless, because everything will throw the original pit oil. The only effective way would be to fill the old oil pipeline broken cement and oil redirect to a new pit dug. But this is not technically possible. What is worse is that the original oil trunk immense pressure surroundings and find new routes to gush from the seabed. So oil leakage could not be stopped.
Will be bad, but it's not the worst news. Hydrogen sulfide, benzene and methylene chloride (and other toxic gases) are released together with oil. The concentrations of hundreds or thousands of times the level of safety for humans. That will be fatal levels. Think what will happen when hurricanes will come and will absorb these toxic fumes, which will be allowed to come to earth as rain. Rain will be toxic. Here's what one report says the Institute for Southern Studies: "The latest evaluation of air monitoring show that chemical susbtanţele emitted into the atmosphere will be a threat to human life."
So end of the world will come not because of any earthquake, asteroid or planet Nibiru, but due to incompetence of oil companies?
In the past, Earth's gravity was less? Why giant dinosaurs were flying?
It is very curious how the ancients were flying species which weighed 160 kg and that could fly safely, and now no bird that weighs less than 15 kg can not fly because of gravity. For example, weighing only 11 kg, eagles in Central Asia have difficulty in rising from Earth and can fly. And then, how come the time of dinosaurs there were species that weighed over 100 pounds and could fly? In conclusion, it appears that in the past was much less than Earth gravity!
A scientist named Tom Holden, examining animals on Earth was in the past, concluded that all gravitational conditions of the past were different to those we know today, and now that dinosaurs did 65 million could withstand the new conditions on Earth.
Tiamat, great planet destroyed by Nibiru
Titius-Bode law shows that there must be a planet between Mars and Jupiter
For those who know little astronomy, there is a law that would govern the solar system, which is called Titius-Bode law. It implies that in some orbital systems, celestial bodies (sun, planets and satellites) in an exponential function governs the planetary sequence. Thus, under this law, between Mars and Jupiter, about 400 million km away from the sun, ought to be a planet.
Instead of the planet, we have asteroids
Since 1801, stone and metal celestial objects (asteroids) have been discovered orbiting the Sun at about this distance. Have since been identified and categorized hundreds of thousands of asteroids. In a period ranging between 330 and 480 million kilometers away from the sun, there is an area full of asteroids and called "asteroid belt". The largest asteroid (Ceres) has a diameter of 1,000 kilometers, together with other asteroids, if all would be united in one object, celestial object would result overall diameter of 1,500 kilometers, less than half than the diameter of the Moon.
Tiamat, a planet that exploded?
Olbers was the astronomer who discovered the second asteroid (Pallas, 1802) and the fourth asteroid (Vesta). He was the one who launched the idea that heavenly bodies are fragments of an exploded planet. Another theory suggests that asteroids could be part of a planet that was destroyed following a massive collision. Thus was born missing planet theory, a name which the ancient Sumerians as Tiamat. But here, the controversy began.
But here, the controversy began.
Tom Van Flandern (specialist in mechanical cerestră Observatory U.S. Navy) claims that 65 million years ago, there was a giant planet between Mars and Jupiter, but exploded. Following the explosion, Earth was bombarded by a series of comets and asteroids that have put an end to the dinosaurs on Earth.
Van Flandern suggested that a large crack on Mars would be the impact site of a former satellite of Neptune satellites show evidence of violent destruction, Mercury was once the satellite of Venus, and Mars was probably more satellites.
Tiamat have collided with Nibiru
Zecharia Sitchin, the well-known work "The Twelfth Planet" argues that, as taught the Sumerian civilization, the Earth would actually be ancient planet Tiamat, being farthest from the Sun than the old! Unbelievable ... Get this theory to study less surprising.
According to ancient Sumerian texts, Tiamat was struck by another large planet, moving it from its original orbit (located between Mars and Jupiter) in the initial orbit of the Earth, creating the moon and asteroid belt. This massive planet called Marduk (or Nibiru), and one of the crossings in the solar system (once every 3,600 years), struck Tiamat planet which moved it from its orbit. Also according to Sumerian texts, Tiamat was struck first of three satellites of Nibiru, and in the end, Nibiru struck Tiamat itself that's broken in two: half became the Earth and the other half became Belt asteroids that lies between Mars and Jupiter today. After the split half of Tiamat, she was struck by a small moon of Nibiru, it catapultându into a new orbit.
Asteroid Vesta, like the Earth
This theory is not just fantastic. Hubble Space Telescope has recently investigated one of the largest asteroids belonging to the asteroid belt, asteroid Vesta and it is discovered that he has a similar geology to Earth, and areas of light and darkness as the moon.
Why the Earth has so much water? Proof that there really Tiamat existed
A very strange thing about the Earth, is that too much water is in abundance on Earth. An explanation can be found in Sumerian writings: Tiamat, Nibiru being hit and its satellites, was split almost in half, taking with him the water in the world. It's strange that water on Earth is mostly only on one side (Pacific Ocean). If all the Pacific Ocean would disappear, the Earth would look like a hollowed half the planet.
A researcher Andy Lloyd, the issue of the origin of water on Earth. Indeed, our earth is too near the sun, that have formed as water. Earth should have been a more dry planet. Current theories suggest that water on Earth originated in comets impact the Earth at the beginning geoistoriei. But recent data show that the isotopic ratios of cometary ice water and land are different. Comets contain large amounts of deuterium, an isotopic form of water, which is rarely present on Earth. This means that the water did not come to Earth, comets are made of, and, as Lloyd concludes, "The earth is so much water, since it was formed much farther from the Sun."
Earth in the past was in orbit around Jupiter
Another astronomer named Allessandro Morbidello launched the theory that the Earth would be composed of intertwining of heavenly bodies, the size of the moon, which would have been different chaotic orbits in the solar system primary. These "volatile messengers" (as he called Morbidello) would be formed at around 4 AU distance (ie 4 times the distance between the Sun and Earth). This means that the formation of Earth took place somewhere in orbit around Jupiter.
Citing his theory above Morbidello Andy Lloyd concluded that "Since the Earth was four times farther from the Sun than it is now, this means you have to explain how he came so close to Sun. And the only explanation is that Nibiru has entered our solar system and destabilized all known planetary orbits.
Man-ape`s mistery from Venezuela
Man-ape in Venezuela are among the most famous images in the annals of natural history. Sitting on a barrel and gas assisted grotesque in a stick, dead monkey was photographed in a mountainous district, woodland, from Venezuela. For zoologists from the early twentieth century, the problem was not believed in the existence of such an animal on the American continent.
Interesting history of a famous photos
The picture was taken around 1920 by François de Loys, Swiss geologist who is in a three-year expedition to explore the rivers and swamps of south-west of Lake Maracaibo. The expedition was intended to identify lucrative oil reserves, but the price paid by Loys and his men was incalculable. Of the 20 original members of the expedition survived only four. Other attacks have fallen victim to disease or local tribes.
This type of behavior is known for aggressive reaction spider monkeys, and others and suggest an imminent attack. The Loys did what was expected from any self-respecting European: he shot to defend himself and his men. Female died on the spot, and the male, wounded, escaped.
Gathering around the corpse, all agreed that it is a very interesting and unusual species. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, there was no chance to be able to bring the body into Europe in a satisfactory condition. The Loys decided to make a monkey photography and documentary evidence was immortalized on film at a distance of about 3 meters.
What happened thereafter is not clear. According to some reports, the monkey was cooked and eaten by the people of the Loys, others say that was partially preserved body, but later lost during a fight motilones tribe. However, when the Loys returned to Europe, his only evidence was a photo.
Beginning photography-related controversies ...
Curiously, nine years have passed until the light appears. And even then, was not Loys who presented a scientific world, but one of his closest friends, George Montandon, a Swiss anthropologist, who has apparently given the chance to explore some more photo folders Loys of his oldest. Montandon published it in the Illustrated London News and Ameranthropides Loysi animal called in honor of which first met.
Scientists have concluded that the animal was a sapajou, a common New World monkeys. But contradicted his size and lack animal tail. Evaluation height depended on his description of Loys and tail had been cut or can not see in the picture.
Spider monkey, or a fake?
In 1996, writing in cryptozoology Loren Coleman Anomalist Magazine and George Montandon said the program had a secret racist. According to this theory the various races were held each other monkeys, therefore, some were superior to others. Until the appearance of man monkeys in Venezuela, Montandon endeavored to explain the monkey ancestor was Native Americans.
In reality, the false argument is quite volatile. Why he wanted the Loys, a geologist seriously threaten to arouse anger by making use of false scientific world in an area that had no tangent with his scientific specialty? Secondly, an expedition marked by disease and violent deaths, surely have more important priorities than this - such as, for example, to reach home alive. How about nine years late - maybe the Loys not appreciate the true value the importance of his discovery.
His supporters say that the barrel of gas analysis, that it was 50 centimeters high, which means that being photographed by Loys was 1.55 meters, almost exactly what he specified in his report. If so, it excludes the spider monkey, which has an average height of between 38 and 68 inches. Other researchers say that - despite some similarities with spider monkeys - there are contradictory features. Among these is the face shape (more oval than triangular) and lack undershot (protruding lower jaw).
If Montandon was the only person who spoke of a mysterious animal, a monkey man in America, his statement could be easily dismissed. But in reality, there are several stories. A chronicle written in 1533 by conquistador Pedro de Cieza mentions a Spanish man-monkey found dead in woods. In the eighteenth century, Edward Bancroft, physician, naturalist and British spy to retell Native American legends about 1.5 meters tall creature who walked on its hind legs and was covered by hair.
In the nineteenth century scientist Philip Goss wrote in his book, Essay on the Natural History of Guiana, on "a large manlike, yet not recognized by zoologists, and in 1876, explorer Charles Barrington Brown noted the presence an animal nicknamed "Didi" by natives of Guyana - a powerful wild man, whose body is covered with hair and living in the forest. More recently, in 1987, an American named Gary Samuels medical mycologists working in Guyana when he heard the sound of steps and turned he saw a bipedal animal about 1.5 feet tall, a kind of man-ape, who roared him and then fled.